
50 Years Of Combined Experience And A History Of Success In Even The Most Complex Divorce Proceedings.


We understand that going through a divorce is likely to be one of the most difficult – and distressing – times of our clients’ lives. We know you’re entrusting us with sensitive and intimate information. Finding the right attorney – one with whom you have a good rapport and develop trust, is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

At Dischell Bartle & Dooley, we take your trust seriously.  We have more than 50+ years of combined experience and a history of success in even the most complex divorce proceedings. When you choose Dischell Bartle & Dooley to handle your divorce matter, you get more than a qualified attorney. You get an unwavering advocate who is committed to your success and that of your family and who practices exclusively family law.

We understand that every client’s situation is unique and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. We take the time to fully understand your needs and recommend a solution designed specifically to accommodate them.